The Canon 70-200mm f2.8L is number three on my friend, Abu’s list “5 Must-Have Lenses Every Photographer Needs“. So, it was no surprise that he suggested it as my first “big glass” purchase. After buying a few other smaller lens, I bought the 70-200mm. His suggestion was great, because I’m glad I bought it.
“Every serious photographer has this lens”
Abu, Original Fotografie
The very first thing I noticed about the lens was – it was heavy. It weighs a little over three pounds. In addition to the weight, I could tell that it was solidly built. I couldn’t wait to use it! After unboxing the lens, I connected it to my camera. It looked and felt great. Before going to my backyard, I fired off a couple shots in the house. There wasn’t a lot to shoot in my yard, but I wasn’t concerned with subject matter. I wanted to experience the increased focal length. At that time, my longest lens was 24-105mm. I could tell at that moment, this lens was going to be a game-changer in my photography. And, it has been.

“I could tell at that moment, this lens was going to be a game-changer…”
David Cox, Cox Imagery
It was summer when I bought it, and I was busy with house projects. So, I didn’t have any photography trips or vacations planned. One particular project led to some of my first “real” pictures I made with the lens, a displaced sparrow near my house. As expected, I was really impressed with the image quality.
In conclusion, buying the Canon 70-200mm was a purchase that I have never regretted. As Abu said, every serious photographer has this lens. And, I’m serious photographer. It is definitely a lens that I recommend.