Pluto Trigger Review – Feature Full Device

Pluto Trigger Review – Feature Full Device

The Pluto Trigger is a great photography accessory that satisfies two things for me. Firstly, my love of photography. Secondly, my love of gadgets.  So, you can imagine that photography gadgets are some of my favorites. And, this one was definitely worth the money.

More Than Water Droplets

Pluto Trigger Water Droplet Photography
Shot Using Pluto Trigger & Pluto Valve

I bought the trigger, because I wanted to do water droplet photography. So, I bought the trigger and the Pluto Valve. Since I bought them for a single purpose, I probably would have purchased them just to shoot the drop collisions. Especially since the valve only does one thing.  But, what attracted me to the device was that droplet photography was just one of many triggering methods. They packed a lot of features in this small device.

Different Triggers

Pluto Trigger Camera
Pluto Trigger on camera hot shoe

The simplest task for the trigger is to use it along with the Pluto smartphone App as a wireless remote shutter release. It does that very well. But, to use it for just that purpose would be a waste of money and functionality. Additional function is that the camera can automatically be triggered to shoot based on sound, light, infrared, laser, lightning, and much more.

The Pluto App

Pluto Trigger App
Pluto Trigger App Screens

The Pluto smartphone app also includes several tools that help you use without the trigger. They help with planning shoots and calculators. For example there is a sun position tool (helpful for planning sunrise/sunset shots). There is also a depth of field calculator, interval timer, star trails, and more… You’ll be amazed at how much this thing does. The tool I use most often is the neutral density filter calculator. You input the normal exposure and the number of stops of the filter. Then it gives you the camera settings using the filter.

I’ve owned the Pluto for two years now, and I have only scratched the surface of all the different functions. There are so many. Some I may never use, but I plan to create some projects for the ones I will. Of course, I will continue to shoot water drop collisions.

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